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Pacific Stars and Stripes, November 3, 1953

'Color TV' Used To Aid ROK Waifs

SEOUL, Nov. 3 (Pac. S&S)-"Color television" has come to Korea.  This country's first "television" show is currently being staged by Eighth Army troops to raise money for Christmas parties planned for the children of Seoul under the direction of Headquarters Commandant Col. Charles A. Rain, Salem, N.J.

Kodachrome slides projected through tracing paper on the back of a three-quarter-ton truck depict the life of despair led by the homeless waifs of Seoul in comparison to those more fortunate children being cared for in orphanages supported by Eighth Army soldiers. 

A sound track, which includes a chorus of children from the Book Han San orphanage singing the "Hallelujah Chorus," explains the show and thanks the men for their support in the past.

The show was originated by Maj. Vernon E. Davis, Lexington, Ky., and Capt. Edward Morey, Charlotte, Mich., officers in Eighth Army Trop Information and Education section, and is narrated by Capt. George Kennedy, Charlotte, Mich., officer in charge, Eighth Army Circuit, American Forces Korean Network.  It is a pictorial report to the troops showing the children and orphanages that are in existence only through their support.  The show has been popular wherever shown.  Soldiers gather in large crowds to watch the colored pictures projected on the 24-inch screen and to make voluntary contributions to the small Korean girls who pass through the crowd while the final "Hallelujah Chorus" is being sung by the chorus. 

"If the people back home could see these pictures of Korean orphans and hear them sing as we did, I know they would dig into their pockets the same as I am doing," Pvt. Joseph A. Knight, Pittsburgh, Pa., said at the premiere at Eighth Army headquarters in Seoul.

MONEY & TIME GIVEN Soldiers throughout this war-stricken nation are contributing money and time to make Christmas a happy one for the children of Korea.  They are sending letters home asking for packages or money to be sent to them or to Christmas Packages for Korea, APO 301.

High scorer among U.S. division recorded so far during the Christmas drive is the 45th, which collected $52,476 in two and on-half weeks.  Over $2,000 was contributed by the approximately 210 men of E Company, 176th Infantry Regiment.  One dollar will buy shoes for two Korean orphans, three months of school plus a school bag, or 18 tiles to repair an orphanage roof.  Rain told Eighth Army troops in an appeal not to underestimate what they can do for these unfortunate children.



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