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Pacific Stars and Stripes, December 10, 1954

U.S. Army's Youngest SFC Expects Rotation Next June

PUSAN, Korea (453rdEB)-A young soldier who earned his sergeant first class stripes within a month after joining the Army is expected to rotate to the State next June.  Actually, the soldier with the unusual promotion record is a five year old orphan adopted by the 453rd Engineer Construction Bn.'s A Co. in October, 1953.

The boy, better known as Ronnie, has been with the company ever since he was taken from a Pusan orphanage.  While with the unit, he has been a model soldier. 

Because of "circumstances beyond his control," however, Ronnie lost his SFC stripes almost as quickly as he had gained them.  Fortunately, he got them back when the company moved to Taegu.  In Taegu, a fund was organized for the youngster in hopes that he would some day be able to go to the U.S.  The fund grew rapidly under supervision of Capt. Julian Lopez, Jr., company commander, and a board of enlisted men headed by SFC



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