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Pacific Stars and Stripes, November 23, 1954

Taro Leaf Orphan Not Forgotten

HQ., 24TH DIV., Korea-Maj. Gen. Mark McClure, 24th Div. commander, officially turned over the $55,000 Taro Leaf Orphanage Sunday to Lt. Gen. Song Yo Chan, chief of the (. . . ?. . . ) ROK Corps.  However, troops of the Japanese bound division will continue to support the orphanage by sending contributions through a U.S. organization that will supervise the orphanage.


Originally supported by the 34th Inf. Regt. and later by the entire division, construction of the three buildings was completed Nov. 20.  The Taro men have provided the 60 orphans with a Quonset chapel, cement and stone main building and an administration building.




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