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April 11, 1954


Garden Deeded to Orphanage


PUSAN, Korea, Apr. 11-Children of the Haeundae Orphanage will get home grown vegetables as part of their diet during the coming year through the efforts of the Haeundae Military Chapel.  Headquarters 226th Ord. Base Depot announced that an acre of land adjacent to the orphanage has been purchased by the chapel and turned over to the Koreans for use as a garden.  Older boys will be given an opportunity to learn farming and serve as food growers.   The plot was bought with funds contributed to the chapel by U.N. soldiers who attended weekly services during Lent. 

The deed was presented to the organization by Chaplain (1st Lt.) Paul K. McAfee, Indianapolis, Ind., and his assistant, Cpl. Raymond Oviatt, East Smethport, Pa.  Pang Sang Silk, president of the orphanage, accepted the property on behalf of the children's home.



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