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Pacific Stars and Stripes, December 29, 1954

The 2157th's "Operation Scrub"

Cautious Santa Agrees

42 Korean Orphans Bathed in Kindness

SEOUL, Korea (3rd ARS)-Christmas presents for orphans are old stories, but when the request for this one came in, even Santa Claus shook his head and said, "I've heard everything now!"  The shocker came when the 2157th Air Rescue Sq. asked Santa's help in arranging 42 baths for members of the Myong Shin Orphanage.  By baths they meant individual scrubbings for each child. It was pointed out that the children live in a tent without bathing facilities. 

In the summer, they troop to the Han River to wash, but the weather now makes that impossible.  Santa didn't dent that baths are proper and necessary, but to give them a s Christmas presents--!  The kindly old boy had a horrified vision of what would happen to his reputation if children around the world ever heard of such a thing.  It was only after the rescue men divulged their other plans for the party that Santa agreed to lend his help and moral support for such an unusual undertaking. 

It took two hours of coaxing reluctant little boys and shy little girls to complete the "Operation Scrub," part of the party.  But things brightened up when the children were re-outfitted with new clothing furnished by the Trinity Presbyterian Church, San Anselmo, Cal.  After this, the party turned traditional with a gaily lighted tree bearing presents for all age groups, a Christmas dinner and bags of fruits and nuts for the children to take home.  The festivities closed with song, dances and carols by the youngsters.  In spite of the doubtful-but necessary-beginning, the children admitted it was a swell day-bath and all.




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