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Stars and Stripes, Nov. 3, 1954

Little Joe And A Big Truck

In Korea, a Sad Heart for a Faraway Friend


'Sukoshi Joe' Happy

Clothes Cheer Korea Lad

PUSAN, Korea (7th TPC) - "What I was happy, then, was beyond words."

These words were part of a letter written by Cho Han Chul, a 12 year old Korean boy known as "Sukoshi Joe" by the men of the 167th Transportation Truck Bn. At Pusan Army Port.

 The letter was written to 1st Lt. Robert I. Wheeler, Jacksonville, Fla., former adjutant and Hq. Co. command at the 167th, who sent Sukoshi Joe a small bundle of clothing after returning to the U.S. for separation in August.

Fast Friends

Wheeler and the Korean boy were fast friends during the officer's tour of duty in Korea.  When Wheeler left for the States, the youngster was nearly heartbroken. Upon receiving the bundle of clothes which Wheeler had promised to send, however, Cho sat down and penned the following letter:


"Dear Lt. Wheeler,

"I received, thankfully, what you sent me on 2nd of October 1954.  Thank you very much, Lieutenant.  When I got that from Lt. Anderson, I could not express how I was glad.  What I was happy, then, was beyond words.

"While you here, when you said you gonna send some clothes for me, that would not be believed by me.  But now indeed, that was really proved you are number one man the man whom I can respect more than any others.

"In that evening, when I got it I gave the clothes to my younger sister.  She was jumping with joy like small birds, therein I felt deeply appreciation appear from the bottom of my heart.

"By the way, how are you, Lt.?  I think you are quite well.  Aren't you.

"I remember you now as if you were in front o me.  I recall clearly.  You remind me of your figure, and of (? ings), too

"I here enclose, hoping your good health and good luck Lt."




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