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Mar. 1, 1960

WON'T BE LONG NOW-"Barney," 10-year old Korean orphan informally adopted by men of  the PX compound at Camp Casey, Korea, takes a look on the globe at where he will live after he is formally adopted by 1st Sgt. Patrick R. Mulcahy (right), first sergeant of the 7th Administrative Co.  1st Lt. James R. Lohr, company executive officer, who will soon be going back to the U.S. with his adopted Korean daughter, is helping adoption procedures.  Mulcahy is scheduled for rotation-with Barney-in November.  They are anxiously awaited in Plattsburg, N.Y., by the sergeant's wife and two young daughters.

(S&S Photo)

Once-Forlorn Korean Orphan Looks Forward to Happy Life

By PFC Tom Powell, S&S Korea Bureau

WITH THE U.S. 7TH INF. DIV., Korea-About a year ago a ragged, hungry Korean orphan with a bleak future wandered into the Post Exchange compound at Camp Casey.  He was befriended by a group of Camp Casey soldiers and "adopted" as an unofficial mascot.

Now, 10-year-old "Barney" is well-fed, happy and facing the prospect of a life in the U.S. as the adopted son of 1st Sgt. and Mrs. Patrick R. Mulcahy.

Mucahy arrived in Korea last November, became first sergeant of the 7th Administration Co. and met Barney through a friend at Camp Casey.  "I liked the boy right away and he seemed to like me," Mulcahy recalls.  "I wrote my wife Roxanne at home in Plattsburg, N.Y., and described Barney.  She said she was all for adopting the youngster.  I appealed to the International Social Services people in Seoul, go their OK and adoption procedures were begun Feb. 13." 


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