Pacific Stars and Stripes,
March 28, 1962
Pvt. David E. Schott shows Jong Kun Um, his future
foster brother, the map location of their future home in Denton, Md.
Schott arranged for his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Butler,
to adopt his Korean pal. Schott will return to the U.S. Saturday
and Jong will follow in June.
Solves Adoption
Problem, Child, Private to Be 'Brothers'
HQ., U.S. 1ST CAV. DIV., Korea (IO)-A
U.S. Army private can't adopt his young Korean pal, but soon they'll
be foster brothers. Pvt. David E. Schott, E Co., 3d Medium Tank Bn.,
40th Armor, met Jong Kun Um, 8, last November in Chil Jong
Mal, a village near Schott's battalion. Schott was giving candy bars
to some children and saw the youngster waiting until the others were
eating. Schott walked up to the boy and offered him a candy bar.
Since then they have become good friends.
Schott took Jong to movies, the snack bar and chapel
services every week. Schott must leave Korea Saturday for reassignment
in the U.S. The American Embassy in Seoul explained adoption was
impossible unless Schott was married. Schott wrote his parents in
Maryland, explaining his dilemma. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
L. Butler of Denton, Md., have agreed to adopt Jong. The Korean Ministry
of Health and Welfare will send Jong to the U.S. in June.