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May 27, 1959

REST AND RELAXATION trip to Korea is planned by PFC Richard Harbaugh and PFC Kenneth Purnell at Ft. Buckner, Okinawa. The two soldiers were to leave on their 10 day unique R&R trip Monday. Neither Purnell nor Harbaugh has ever been to Korea. One of the reasons Purnell chose the unusual vacation spot was because he wants to visit an 8-year-old Korean boy he adopted by mail a year ago. (S&S Photo)

To Visit ‘Adopted’ Orphan
2 Ft. Buckner Soldiers Plan R&R in Korea

FT. BUCKNER, Okinawa—Two Okinawa based soldiers have come up with a new version of R&R leave—a pleasure trip to Korea. PFC Kenneth Purnell and PFC Richard Harbaugh, both of Hq. Col., U.S. Army Ryukyu Islands, planned to fly to Seoul Monday for 10 days of “rest and relaxation.”

“We plan to stop in Japan for a few days on our way back,” said Purnell, “but most of the time we’ll be in Korea.”

HE SAID he picked the unusual vacation spot because he wants to visit an 8-year-old Korean boy he “adopted” by mail a year ago, but whom he has never seen. “His name is Yoo Myung Jung,” Purnell said. “He lives in the Kei Yong orphanage near Taejon.”

Purnell is assistant to USARYIS Staff Chaplain (Lt. Col.) Thomas V. Sigler. He contributes to the boy’s support through the World Vision, Inc., which operates orphanages and homes for the aged in Korea. Neither Purnell nor Harbaugh has ever been to Korea.











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