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Oct. 2, 1950


13-Year-Old Refugee Is 2d Div. Interpreter


THE 2D INF. DIV. IN KOREA-He looks like the average schoolboy playing soldier.  His thin shoulders do not look strong enough to support the U.S. Army carbine he carries.  But Jung Hon-Shu, 13, is not playing soldier.  The little refugee from Kyongju is a real soldier-a grim and purposeful one.  He is the last of his family.  The Reds killed his mother and father, two brothers and a sister.  Jung's American name is "Sammy."  He speaks English, having once worked for an American captain.  He joined the 2d Division immediately after it landed in Korea and offered his services as interpreter.

But he did not confine himself to interpreting.  For instance, on one occasion Sammy scanned a nearby hill with field glasses, grabbed his carbine and without a word took off.  He soon came back, prodding a Korean twice his size ahead of him.

"This guy is no good," Sammy said.  "Better check up."  Interrogation proved Sammy was correct.  The prisoner was a member of a now defunct North Korean unit, assigned to infiltrate American positions.

Sammy's questioning is efficient, especially in cases where prisoners are stubborn or lying.  "He's worth his weight in gold," said one division officer.  "Our main worry is keeping him far enough behind the lines to do his interpreting."




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