Apr. 5, 1954
TRAVIS, AFB, Cal., Apr. 5 (INS)-Nam Tae Ho, a Korean
war orphan, arrived in the U.S. yesterday to be greeted by his new,
ready-made family of six brothers and sisters. Nam landed at the
Travis Air Force Base northeast of San Francisco in the company of
his new father-to-be, Air Force Major Vernon J. Sture of Sacramento
who brought the five-year-old boy with him from Tokyo.
When the pair arrived at the field in an Air Force
Constellation, they were taken to the Officers' club for a surprise
birthday party for Nam. There he met Major Sture's wife, Shirley,
and the six Sture children who range in age from five months to eight
Nam was pleased with the meeting but still most
impressed with his airplane flight. He sought to demonstrate the
landing by spreading out his arms and fluttering around the room.
The Sture children were delighted with their new brother and so was
Mrs. Sture who said: "I'm very happy about this. Somehow I feel that
this is what God willed."
Major Sture first met Nam last June when the personnel
of his base put on a "Father's Day" for Korean war orphans. The two
took an immediate liking to each other and, after consultation with
his wife, Major Sture decided to adopt the boy.