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3rd Army in U.S. Helps Korean Kids


TOKYO-General Matthew Ridgway in a brief ceremony Friday endorsed a check representing part of a Thanksgiving contribution of more than $10,000 made by personnel in the Third Army in the United States for relief of Korean orphans.  Third Army headquarters is at Fort McPherson, (?).  Witnessing the event was Chaplain (Maj. Gen.) Roy Parker, chief of Army chaplains, Washington, now on inspection chaplains' activities in the Far East.  Commander Chaplain (Col.) Ivan L. Benner FEC and UNC chaplain; Chaplain (Col.) John H. Dunn, GH and Chaplain (Maj.) Marcus Kleinberg, 2d Logistical Command, Korea.

The Third Army fund was collected at chapels throughout its area.  Use of the money to purchase warm clothing and other relief supplies for Korean orphans already is under way.




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