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Jan. 30,1951

                WORKING UP-Getting tips on Korean weather problems is 10-year-old Kim Wa Seik, nicknamed Cpl. George Pizon, by men of two military Air Transport Service support detachments in Korea who adopted the boy last July.  Helping him are: PFC Kenneth Winkel (left), of Milwaukee, Wis., and S/Sgt. Maurice E. Ford, Columbia, Mo., both members of an Air Weather Service detachment.  (USAF MATS Photo)

Adopted Korea Lad Gets GI Upbringing


AN ADVANCED KOREA BASE-"Cpl. George Pizon," a 10-year-old Korean boy adopted last July by the men of two small Military Air Transport Service support units at this Korean airfield is getting the full treatment on the American way of life from his GI guardians, even down to learning to save his money.  S/Sgt. Maurice E. Ford of Columbia, Mo., said he and other men of the two detachments of MATS' Air Weather Service and Airways and Air Communications Service, found little Kim Wa Seik near Pohang one night last summer as he huddled against one of their power units to keep warm.  He has been living with them ever since.

Although the men tried to return the boy to the orphanage from which he ran away, it turned out to be an impossible job, for Pizon" as he was later nicknamed, was determined to stick with the two detachments.  So he has moved with them from one field to another throughout the Korean campaign and helped them in their jobs of furnishing vital weather data and air traffic control facilities to Air Force units at every field.  The MATS men decided that if Pizon was going to stay with them, he was going to get the proper upbringing.  So part of his training is based on the idea that you don't get something for nothing.

He earns his keep running errands, among other duties, between the weather office and the AACS detachment, carrying weather data to be transmitted by the communications unit.  And when he gets paid for his work, the men see that he doesn't spend his money foolishly, but "bank" it for him for his future security.  They aren't overlooking any means to see that "Cpl. George Pizon" gets the right start in life.




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