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Stars and Stripes, 15 March 1951


HEADQUARTERS FIFTH AIR FORCE, KOREA-A small Korean  war orphan gets help from Lt. Col. Dean Hess of Marietta, Ohio, as he climbs down from a plane after being presented with a package full of toys from the United States.  A plane load of toys, food and clothing was recently flown to the more than 800 war orphans housed on the island of Cheju-Do, 75 miles off Korea's south coast.  The orphanage formerly sponsored by the Fifth Air Force is now under control of the Republic of Korea Air Force, but bundles from well wishers in the United States continue to pour in for the orphans.

                Col. Hess, senior USAF advisor with the ROK Air Force, and Capt. George N. Metcalf of Sweeton, Illinois (in plane) assisted in the bundle delivery to the war tots.




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