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Stars and Stripes, Apr. 23, 1952

 Benevolent Sergeant, Wife Donate To Korean Waifs

 HQ, FEAF-Another example of kindness toward Korean orphans is the monthly donation of clothing, food and toys being sent to an orphanage at Seoul, by a U.S. Air Force master sergeant and his wife.  The orphans' benefactors are M/Sgt. and Mrs. Joseph I. Hilelson, Sherman Oaks, Calif.  The sergeant and his wife presently reside near an air base in the Tokyo area where the sergeant is assigned.

EACH MONTH the couple acts as a clearing house for many articles of clothing and boxes of food which have been gathered through their efforts and the efforts of their friends on the base.  Many such articles have been sent to the Hilelsons from their acquaintances in the States.  With these donations go dozens of cookies baked each month by Mrs. Hilelson.  The couple distributes the clothing and food to the Young Sang Orphanage, Yongdongpo near Seoul, and the sergeant and his wife are assisted in the operation by cargo transports of FEAF's 315th Air Division on the Korean airlift.




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