Stars and Stripes, Feb 20, 1955
AS THE SHAVINGS FALL-Lt. Col. Jaciate Castrillo
(second from right), project officer for KMAG, watches workmen prepare
timbers for window and door frames for small Koreans' home.
Watching the construction being done on the Dea-Sung
orphanage, a KMAG AFAK Project, are L-R, Cpl. Weldon McFarlan (RA
1844650, Brownsville, Texas, Asst. AFAK Div.) Lt. Col. Jacinto Castrillo
(0269840, Rio Pimdras, Puerto Rico, Asst. Cpa Adv. ROK), and 1st
Lt. Spencer J. Van Alsburg (01883660, Holland, Mich. AFAK PROJ. SUPV.)
Taegu, Korea.