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HELPING HANDS-The ever busy and generous hands of Air Force personnel of the 54th Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron package food and toys for their "Korean Orphans Friendship train."  (Standing left to right) S/Sgt. Louis Wade, Sgt. Allen H. Diefenderfer, Cpl. Raymond H. Studley, Sgt. Lyle J. Gebhart; (kneeling left to right) Sgt. Frank G. Bik, and Sgt. Vernon C. House round up and bundle Air Force contributions.

Airmen Fly Gifts To Kids

HQ., FEAF, TOKYO-A surprise flight of a United States Air Force C-54 Skymaster recently delighted the hearts of some 75 Korean war orphans by bringing them more than 2000 pounds of food and clothing as a gift from Air Force personnel and dependents on the island of Guam.  Eager children of the orphanage at Onyang, southwest of Pyongtaek, crowded around three Far East Air Forces chaplains as they assisted in the distribution of the presents.

THE CHAPLAINS WERE Lt. Col. Herman E. Knies, 19th Bomb Wing, Catasauqua; Pa.; Capt. Arthur E. K. Brenner, Guam, Bennington, Vt.; and Maj. Justin A. Eeles, Fifth Air Force, Franciscan Fathers of St. Elizabeth, Denver, Colo.

Collection of food, clothing and money for the orphanage was inaugurated after Knies received a letter from 19th Bomb Group B-29 Superfort crewmen stationed on Okinawa.

THESE CREWMEN HAD already unofficially "adopted" a group of the Korean orphans, who were being cared for by two Korean Christian ministers.  Officers and airmen of Andersen Air Force Base on Guam were quick to lend their support to the appeal.  Personnel of the 54th Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron, traveled through the dependent housing area in a motorized contraption labeled "Korean Orphans' Friendship Train" offering the children rides in exchange for clothes, shoes and canned goods.  The Boy Scouts and other organizations assisted.

THE 19TH AIR Installations Squadron donated $409 in cash.  A 54th Strat. Recon. C-54 was then loaded with the collection and took off for Korea, piloted by Lt. Col. , San Angelo, Tex.  The orphans were both surprised and delighted.  In return they staged an impromptu entertainment for the visiting crewmen and chaplains.



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