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Stars and Stripes, September 16, 1950

All Alone

 A small South Korean child sits alone in street, after elements of the 1st Marine Div and South Korean Marines invade the city of Inchon, in offensive launched against the North Korean Forces in that area.  (US Army Photo by PFC Ronald L. Hancock (SK), Jacksonville, Fl.)

 "My best combat shot" FEC-50-8389 was taken at Inchon, Korea, 16, Sept, 50.  Camera used Pace Maker F/11, 1/200, on pan press.  Sfc Barnes, a. Motion Picture Cameraman and I were looking through Inchon, Korea for pictures when we saw some marines detaining some North Korean POW's.  As we started to take picture, we heard a child crying and saw a better picture.  The results appear in this picture, which I call "All Alone."





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