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Korean War Children's Memorial.

Photo Courtesy of Gabette Andres

Korean War Children’s Memorial in Bellingham, WA.
Dedicated 27 July 2003.

This web site honors the American servicemen and women who, during the Korean War and the years following, rendered compassionate humanitarian aid to the children of that war torn nation. It is estimated that US forces in Korea saved the lives of over 10,000 children and helped sustain over 50,000 in more than 400 orphanages built or repaired by the servicemen. With an income averaging less than $100 a month they contributed over two million dollars in those war years. They called for help from family, neighbors and friends back home which resulted in the shipment to Korea of thousands of tons of material aid such as toys, tools, medicines, food, clothing and other items for the children and their care givers.

On this web site there are currently posted over 1,000 stories and over 1,000 photos relating to the GIs and the children of Korea during the period 1950-1954. As time and funds permit and with the help of many volunteers a lot more material will be posted here so this element of the Korean War is not forgotten by history.

We encourage those who visit here to help the project by sending in photos and stories. We also would like to read your comments, suggestions and criticisms so please e-mail us your thoughts.

Stories and photos of what happened during the Korean War are to be found under the STORIES side bar menu. This is the "guts" of the research element of the project. Under INPUT we post material sent in by readers. Other project activities, for example the Photo Exhibit, are noted under ACTIVITIES. Check the EDITORIAL page for comments, letters, news and notes, etc. LINKS provide contacts for further reading.

Click on this image to see the memorial plaque.
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